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Bilin Weekly Demo 01.04.2011 By
2011Apr 1
Friday 01/04/2011 Two citizens were injured in addition to dozens of cases of suffocation from teargas in Bil'in weekly demonstration. Bil'in commemorates Land Day by promising the martyrs, wounded and prisoners that they will continue to struggle for independence and freedom. Two citizens were wounded today with various injuries and there were dozens of cases of choking on poison gas. Many also suffered after being hit by the colored chemical water stench that the Israeli occupying forces launch towards the demonstrators. The suppression of the peaceful march organized by the Popular Committee Against the Wall and settlements, to commemorate Land's Day, was launched after the performance Friday prayers in front of the mosque in the village towards the separation wall. Participated in the march along with the people of Bil'in, dozens of Palestinian civilians from nearby villages as well as several members of the Palestinian committee, al mubadara, led by Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, and numbers of activists, Israelis and international activists. Participants raised Palestinian flags and pictures of martyrs Jawaher and Basem Abo Rahma and yellow banners with a picture of the prisoner leader Marwan Barghouti and posters with the image of the mufti Amin al-Husseini. His home which was demolished by the Israeli occupying forces in Jerusalem, participants chanted slogans demanding an end to the occupation and division, and also chanted against the Israeli arbitrary practices committed by occupation forces against Jerusalem. Before the arrival at the rally at the eastern gate of the fence the demonstrators were met with a shower of tear gas and sound grandees, rubber bullets, bullet cartridges and skunk water resulting in injuries to both Kamel-Khatib, 17 years and 30-years Rani Bornat were sprayed gas in their eyes. To challenge the participants, the Israeli army stormed the gate of the wall despite the presence of dozens of heavily armed soldiers and machine sprayed chemicals they were subjected to a large quantities of these materials. When those materials were fired at them, ambulance crews dealt with all cases on the ground. On the other hand the special forces in the Israeli army prosecute the participants and chased to arrest them, but failed to do so.

Haitham Khatib

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